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Jon Hyde


Considering Jon Hyde's versatility and talent displayed on his three solo recordings offered here, it's easy to understand why he's one of those musicians other musicians seek out. He's a great singer-songwriter, guitarist, pedal steel player, bassist, and drummer... the man even has a college degree in percussion. But it’s not just that he knows his way around all these instruments; it’s what he has to say on them that really matters. What Hyde brings to a recording session or gig is always inspired and always makes the song better. That’s why he’s heard on records by revered artists such as avant-jazz luminaries Wayne Horvitz and Robin Holcomb, Indie artists like Jim White, Karl Blau, Laura Veirs, The Walkabouts and Jesse Sykes, and it's why he is repeatedly invited back to the studio by Grammy-nominated producer Tucker Martine.

Imagine all this craft and inspiration melded in his original songs and you begin to get an idea of how good Hyde's music is. Exhibit A, his debut album Yellow Light. Pretty much everything on the record is performed by Hyde, but what you hear is half-a-dozen individual, creative musical voices, each bringing a hook, a riff, or a refrain that lifts the whole into a seamless performance.

Jon Hyde's records are chock full of catchy, melodic rock and indie pop in the vein of groups such as Jayhawks and Wilco - you can even hear a little Lennon & McCartney in there - all infused with his distinctively warm voice and lyrical stories that pull you in closer. 

In addition to the aforementioned artists Hyde has recorded with, he is also a core member, singer and pedal steel player for one of Seattle's preeminent country bands 1 Uppers, he has played as a member of The Transmissionary Six, Terry Lee Hale, Rock Paper Scissors, and he has appeared on records by the likes of GlimmerLong Wasted, Downpilot and Girl Singer.

Drums & Wires is proud to present Jon's new album entitled The Sad Lights that's available now!

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